School Travel
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Ausden Clark home-to-school transport provides both suitable and safe transport to and from school. All our drivers are DBS compliant, hold a CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) and are trained to work with all ages.
The document ensures that we continue to achieve the required safety standards whilst transporting passengers on home-to-school transport.
1.7.1 Our drivers will
- Ensure that they are displaying the correct route number.
- Carry their identity badge with them at all times.
- Approach the pickup point slowly and with care.
- Keep the doors closed until the coach is at a complete standstill.
- Ensure all passengers are seated before moving away.
- Ensure that the doors are closed before moving off.
- Discourage passengers from crossing in front of the vehicle.
- Report any anti-social behaviour, and request to see the pass of passengers involved. They may also stop the vehicle until it is safe to resume the journey.
- Maintain a courteous and professional relationship with students.
- Check passes on both morning and afternoon journeys.
- Disclose to the company any students already known to them outside of work.
1.7.2 Our drivers will not
- Allow unauthorised passengers to travel.
- Allow students to alight before arrival at the school.
- Use the centre doors other than for unloading upon arrival at the school.
- Share any personal details with any passengers at any time.
1.7.3 To maintain required safety standards
- DO make sure that you arrive at your stop 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
- Only get on or off the bus at the pick-up/drop-off points listed on your timetable.
- If you have to cross the road after getting off, allow the bus to move off before doing so (use a pedestrian crossing where possible).
- DO stay alert while waiting for your bus, face the direction from which your bus approaches and be ready to board and show your bus pass.
- DO show your bus pass to the driver every time you travel. All secondary school students are issued bus passes. If you have been issued a pass and you cannot show it, the driver may refuse to carry you. You should discuss with your parents what to do if this happens.
- The bus pass is not valid if defaced or damaged and its misuse may lead to the holder being excluded from the transport.
- Photocopied or scanned copies of passes are not acceptable in any circumstances and if detected are likely to lead to the holder being excluded from the transport. You have a responsibility to get a replacement pass as soon as possible.
- DO behave responsibly at all times when waiting for, getting on, travelling on or getting off a school bus. If you misbehave you may be excluded from the transport.
- DO travel only on the bus you have been allocated to (the number is shown on your bus pass) – if you travel on any other bus you might be taking the place of another entitled student. Students attempting to travel without authority from Ausden Clark may be excluded from the transport.
- DO sit down when you board your bus and remain seated until you arrive at your drop-off point.
- DO wear a seatbelt if one is fitted to the vehicle. It is a requirement for all pupils to wear a seat belt if they are fitted to the bus. It is not the bus driver’s responsibility to ensure that pupils wear a seatbelt.
- DO discuss with your parents what your plans will be if the bus fails to turn up or if you fail to catch it for any reason. Very occasionally the bus may fail to arrive on time. If it is late you should wait for 20 minutes after the bus was due to arrive at the pick-up point. After this time if the bus has not arrived please call 0116 262 9492.
- DO NOT get on or off the bus until it has stopped moving.
- DO NOT push or rush for the door when the bus has stopped.
- DO NOT take up more than one seat.
- DO NOT block gangways and exits, or take up seats, with bags.
- DO NOT distract the driver’s attention as this could cause an accident. Only speak to the driver when he or she is not driving, or in an emergency.
- DO NOT smoke on school buses. If you do, you will be excluded from using the bus. This includes e-cigarettes or similar devices.
1.7.4 In the event of a breakdown or accident
- DO follow the advice of the driver. He/she will normally seek help by telephone and arrange alternative transport if necessary.
- DO stay on the bus unless it is unsafe to do so.
- DO NOT make your own arrangements to get to school or home. Experience has shown that if pupils make their own arrangements it may lead to confusion and possible distress.
1.7.5 Use of CCTV
Parents and pupils should be aware that CCTV or other recording methods are used on many school contract buses to support initiatives against anti-social behaviour and vandalism.
Vehicles using CCTV or other means of recording will have notices displayed to this effect.
Recorded images may be shown to school staff to identify individual pupils.
1.7.6 Damage to vehicles
Where a vehicle is damaged as a result of vandalism, Ausden Clark may seek to recover the cost of repairs from the parents of the pupil or the student responsible for the damage.
1.7.7 Pupil exclusion
- Regrettably, from time to time it is necessary to exclude pupils from the school bus if they are unable to behave responsibly and follow the reasonable instructions of drivers.
- Suspensions from transport are notified in writing by the Company.
- If a pupil is found to be travelling without entitlement, parents should expect that they will not be carried.
- Pupils may also be excluded if payments for school transport are outstanding.
- Pupils may also be excluded if payments are pending for any damage caused to vehicles.
1.7.8 Anti-social behaviour
The vast majority of pupils travel to and from school every day in safety and without incident. However, antisocial behaviour on school buses by a small number of pupils is a growing problem. This is a national trend and not confined to Leicestershire.
Some of the implications of anti-social behaviour are:
- For pupils and parents – the safety of those directly involved and other pupils on the bus and the inconvenience when buses are delayed because of antisocial behaviour.
- For bus operators – the cost of repairing damage and the loss of income while a vehicle is out of service being repaired.
- For the School – visible anti-social behaviour may diminish the reputation of the school in the community. What is anti-social behaviour
Anti-Social behaviour includes a range of problems. Some examples of anti-social behaviour on school buses are:
- Fighting, bullying, and intimidation of other pupils.
- Verbal abuse of drivers and harassment of other pupils.
- Vandalism, graffiti and criminal damage to vehicles.
- Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes.
- Moving around the bus, distracting the driver.
- Misuse of bus passes.
- Opening emergency exits on the vehicle in a nonemergency situation.
- Throwing objects from the vehicle. Consequences of reported anti-social behaviour
The school is in the best position to carry out an investigation into the incident, as they know the pupils involved. It is for the school to determine how to carry out the investigation but it would normally involve taking written statements from pupils who witnessed the incident and interviewing individually those pupils named or identified as involved. Any information given is treated in confidence. The investigation will seek to establish, as far as possible, exactly what happened and who was responsible.
CCTV is fitted on some vehicles. Where CCTV recordings are available, they will be shown to the school to identify those pupils taking part in anti-social behaviour. In very serious cases, Ausden Clark may call the Police, particularly if there has been damage to the vehicle. The Police may carry out their own investigation and might also wish to interview those pupils involved. Actions taken against anti-social behaviour
Following an investigation, either by the school or Ausden Clark any sanctions against pupils are agreed upon between the school and the Company. This is usually in the form of exclusion from transport for a defined period although disciplinary action within the school, for example, after-school detentions may sometimes be agreed upon as an alternative. The action taken will depend on the severity of the incident and whether a pupil has previously been involved in anti-social behaviour. No refund will be given if a student is excluded from transport for any reason, for any period of time.
However, the following can be used as a guideline:
- For a minor incident (e.g. misuse of bus passes, moving around the vehicle) – warning letter on the first occasion – on the second occasion, exclusion from school transport for 1 to 5 days – on subsequent occasions, exclusion from transport for 5 to 10 days. No refund will be given if a student is excluded from transport. For a serious incident (e.g. bullying, physical or verbal abuse of driver or pupils, smoking, any action threatening the safety of individuals or the vehicle, vandalism or damage to the vehicle) – Exclusion from transport for a minimum period of 5 days up to 1 term depending on circumstances and previous history. No refund will be given if a student is excluded from transport.
These are guidelines and the action agreed upon in any particular case will take into account individual circumstances and the views of the school.
Repeated serious incidents will lead to permanent exclusion from transport.
Ausden Clark operates a zero-tolerance policy on all types of discrimination and threatening behaviour by any parent, guardian or student to any member of Ausden Clark staff. Any incidents of this nature may result in exclusion from transport
1.7.9 Consequences of exclusion from travel
- When exclusion from transport has been agreed upon, parents will normally be notified in writing and given an appropriate period of notice before the exclusion period starts. This is to allow parents an opportunity to make alternative transport arrangements. In very serious cases, where it is considered that the safety of the vehicle and other pupils would be put at risk by allowing a pupil to continue to travel, exclusion from transport may start immediately and without written notice.
- No refund will be given if a student is excluded from transport for any reason, for any period of time
1.7.10 Consequences of vehicle damage
Ausden Clark may seek to recover the cost of repairs from the parents of the pupils responsible The Company may insist that the cost of repairs are paid (or a payment plan agreed upon) before allowing the pupil back onto transport – even if the period of suspension has been served.
1.7.11 Returning to travel after exclusion
After a period of exclusion has ended, a pupil will normally be allowed to travel on the school bus again. However, the company may require certain conditions (e.g. that the pupil must use a specified seat at the front of the bus) or the pupil may be transferred to another school bus. The company may seek compensation for damages and, or cleaning.
Getting in touch
General enquiries:
Safeguarding: 0116 262 9492